Lansing Explorations
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Champion TreesAddress:
Leavenworth Country Club, Mt. Calvary Cemetery
About this Exploration: Leavenworth County is home to forty state champion trees, five of which are located in Lansing. Go to the Leavenworth Country Club at 455 W. Eisenhower Road to find a Downy Hawthorn (Crataegus mollis), a Pin Oak (Quercus palustris) and two Slippery Elm (Ulmus rubra) co-champion trees. Mt. Calvary Cemetery, located at 1011 N. Desoto Road, has an Austrian Pine (Pinus nigra) champion tree. |
Nolan Sunderman
730 First Terrace Suite 2
Lansing, KS 66043 Phone: 913.727.5488 Laura Phillippi
115 E. Kansas Avenue
Lansing, KS 66043 Phone: 913.250.0203 |